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how to tame my lovebird. help!

Discuss the methods and techniques of clicker training, target training and bonding. These are usually the first steps in training a young parrot.

Re: how to tame my lovebird. help!

Postby pscindy_13 » Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:11 pm

Ohhhh, I get it now. I guess with me youhave to go on simple answers for me to understand ^///^"

Ok so each morning I wake up around 6am and that's when I feed him/cange his water. From 6:12 am. (To let him drink and eat in peace) I place his cage on my bed and open it to let him out till 11:45am. When my mom picks me up.
At 6:30pm. Is when I come home and change his food/water then back to my bed to let him out till 9:30 when I go to bed so place him back in his cage and move it back to the shelf.

On the weekends it's same wake up thing but I clean his cage while I change his food/water. I go to bed till 10pm. So his out all day. I only place him back in the rare thing when I can go out to do something but I take him out when I come back.
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Re: how to tame my lovebird. help!

Postby Wolf » Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:54 pm

Alright, what I would like for you to do is tell me exactly what you are doing when you are trying the food method. I need to know so that I can see how you interpret our tips so that we can get more accurate with them. We may be saying things differently than you understand them so we need to find common ground. Please be as detailed as you can with this. Also ask your parents if you can give me your street address so that I can have a better cage shipped to you. If so put it in a PM and not on the regular forum.
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Re: how to tame my lovebird. help!

Postby pscindy_13 » Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:36 pm


First my mom said thanks so much for helping me. I told her that the cage was too small and since she has a weakness for tamaki too, she agreed to help out and get him a new cage! :D

With the food thing. I eat in bed so first I start eating and making a big deal on how tasty it is as I talk to him and would show him the food. He does look over and sometimes he fluter his wings or go back and forth on top of his cage. I leave a tiny pice for him but he won't go anywhere near it.
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Re: how to tame my lovebird. help!

Postby Wolf » Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:50 pm

Alright we are on the same page with the food thing and that is really good to know. Thank you very much.
About the cage thing, before your mom goes out to buy a new cage. do you have other animals in the home? Brothers or sisters that are younger than you? If the answer to both of these is no, have you considered checking about the bird being out in say your living room where he can see everyone? Would you and your mom consider allowing me to provide you with a cage and your mom getting you a second bird of the opposite sex?
The reason for my asking this is that all species of parrots do much better when they have a mate. They were never meant to live alone and in the wild are never alone from the time they hatch until the day they die. Please talk this over with your mom and let me know. Or sign on and let your mom talk to us directly if she would like to. You can even set it up a couple of days in advance and that way she won't have to wait for us to come online.
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Re: how to tame my lovebird. help!

Postby pscindy_13 » Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:20 am

Your welcome~ :3

No younger siblings and no other pets but fish.

I placed him in the bed room cause that's where we are all the time (only room with t.v.)

I don't want to add another bird for 2 resons,
- will make lots of noise with 2.
- I will never create a bond with him if I add another bird.

She said no cause she feels bad your going to spend money.

I feel so bad leaving him alone and I really want to take him with me everywhere (that's calm of course) but I can't do that till he trust me :/
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
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Types of Birds Owned: Black Masked Lovebird
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Re: how to tame my lovebird. help!

Postby liz » Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:39 am

pscindy_13 wrote:Your welcome~ :3

No younger siblings and no other pets but fish.

I placed him in the bed room cause that's where we are all the time (only room with t.v.)

I don't want to add another bird for 2 resons,
- will make lots of noise with 2.
- I will never create a bond with him if I add another bird.

She said no cause she feels bad your going to spend money.

I feel so bad leaving him alone and I really want to take him with me everywhere (that's calm of course) but I can't do that till he trust me :/

I guess your room would be the most active if you have the only TV.
Two birds are happier and make happy noises. There noise is very nice.
Two birds do bond together but because there is two they are not as afraid. If you find one that has already been handled well and tame it will teach the other. Care of two is easier than one. My cockatiels teach each other.
Tell your mom that you are now part of our family and family helps each other.
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Re: how to tame my lovebird. help!

Postby pscindy_13 » Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:10 am

I tryed looking for a handfeed tamed lovebird before I got tamaki but all the pet stores within driving range I called and said they had non . Only aviary rased lovebirds. Online has some but it's more then $125 and that's just for the bird. Another $100 for shipping then the money for the birds needs. I couldn't so I got a aviary one.
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
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Types of Birds Owned: Black Masked Lovebird
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Re: how to tame my lovebird. help!

Postby Wolf » Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:38 am

That explains why this bird is so much more afraid than is normal. Now it is not true that having two birds will prevent you and the birds from bonding. With two hand fed and socialized bird it would only mean that it would possibly take a little longer. With two aviary raised bird it could reduce the fears of both of the birds and actually save you time in gaining their trust. With two birds, one of which is aviary raised while the other is hand fed and tamed( socialized), the aviary bird will trust you faster due to the influence of the calmer bird that is tamer and the tamer one may take just a little longer before it trusts you.
The hand tamed bird will usually only take a few days to a week before it begins to trust you, this is if you only have that bird. With only an aviary raised bird this process may take two or even three months.
Yes, there may indeed be some trade off in the initial stages of gaining the birds trust and in order to help you and mom to make an informed choice, I have tried to give you information as to what these trade off are and their effects on the bird or birds involved. For me the cost of the cage is not the issue, I am here for the well being of your bird and that is why I make the recommendations that I do. However, this is a choice that only you and your mom can make and for that reason I am hoping to give enough information to make a good choice. I will abide with what ever decision that you and your mom make. So show this to your mom and give me your answer and I will not mention it again.
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Re: how to tame my lovebird. help!

Postby liz » Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:54 am

There are so many people out there who have loved and cared for their birds. But for some reason are not able to care for them. In the write ups they even give info as to how they react to others, what their schedule has been like, how they are bonded to them and how social they are in general, if they like head scratches or if they talk in their sleep.
Search for one of these. . Set a close state to add. Some are a great distance but some could be within 20 miles. You don't know until you look. I have traveled as high as 4 hours to do a rescue.
Your family can call it a road trip like a family outing.

I just clicked on the link and found 2 in California. California is a big state so I don't know how far they are from you. Check it.
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Re: how to tame my lovebird. help!

Postby pscindy_13 » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:07 am

I looked at te website and there is only 1 lovebird and his not hand tamed nether :/

I told my mom about a 2nd bird and she told me,
- I told her 2 makes more noise so I kinda scared her with that.
- would need a even bigger cage but living in a small apt. We can't go that big.
- cost for 2nd bird = most cost on food and other things.
- she says his still a baby and isn't old enough for a pair yet.

She told me all this but I really think shes worry about the cost of 2 is out of our hands. 1 is easy but 2 you gotta be rich lol. Or at least reacher then us.

For me I thought well if they ever had babies I can just rase 1 (after 3 weeks of parent care) so it could get used to me from the start and can tame it but then I started thinking of the other birds, what would I do with them? And to dich tamaki would be sooo messed up of me! ><

ugh so frustrating!!!
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 37
Number of Birds Owned: 1
Types of Birds Owned: Black Masked Lovebird
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