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Repair broken trust with a new Senegal parrot

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Repair broken trust with a new Senegal parrot

Postby Maria M » Tue May 21, 2019 4:03 am

Hi everyone!
I am Greek and still working on my poor English,so please excuse me if i'm incorrect on my writing.
Me and my husband adopted a senegal parrot 2 weeks ago from a local petstore. We were not accurately informed about its gender or age,but i did some research and i believe that she is a female approximately 1yr old(her eye color is light grey and her tail feathers are yellow and light green).
Since the first time we met her on the petstore we both fell in love with her.She was very cute and social and was asking for head scritches all the time from both of us and from everyone else near ger cage(!).
When we went back again to take her home,the petstore owner told me that he wasn't able to grab her correctly and put her in my carrier so he asked me to do it!Plus he said that a carrier is not a good idea and he recommended to put her dirrectly in her new cage.He and my husband strongly ensisted, so,although i didn't want her to assosiate me with such a stressful situation, i gently held her (as described in parrot wizzard's videos) and placed her in the cage. We drove her home quietly in slow speed and placed her cage in its final position at home.
Right after i took care of the cage set up, food and water and some toys and left her settle while i was keeping up on my daily routine with gentle moves as quietly as i could while staying on her sight.
I have to mention that while i was setting the cage features, she looked a bit stressed but not as i expected.She even asked for a headscritch.
After a couple of hours my husband approached her cage,and started talking to her calmly while petting her.
And that was it!Since that moment, she changed.She still looks happy in my presence,she takes treats from my hand,she calls me while i'm not in the room, BUT, if i bring close my finger to her,she bites me. Sometimes she just turns her back at me. Of course i immediately stop,snd let her some space.
On the other hand, she tries to "feed" my husbands hand,or she rapidly open and closes her beak..She adores him. When he is around it is like i am invisible.
I became the bad person whithout having any intention. My husband loves her but he has not much spare time to spent on her,unfortunately..
Please,any suggestions? Can i fix this somehow?I really care about her and want her to be happy.It was a dream to me since forever to have a parrot companion, and i am really depressed now.I failed her..
Maria M
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 9
Number of Birds Owned: 1
Types of Birds Owned: Senegal parrot
Flight: Yes

Re: Repair broken trust with a new Senegal parrot

Postby liz » Tue May 21, 2019 4:53 am

She loves your husband but depends on you for her care. This is not a bad thing since she knows she needs you. Ignore her except when feeding her. She will start coming to you when he is not home.
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Re: Repair broken trust with a new Senegal parrot

Postby Pajarita » Tue May 21, 2019 8:28 am

Welcome to the forum! And no, my dear, you did not fail her. They don't hate you forever just because you gently grab them and move them to a new cage. And, by the way, the people at the pet store gave you the wrong info. You were right and your husband and the store people were wrong. She should have gone into a carrier - a cage is way too open for transport and it stressed them out -parrots like to hide when they feel vulnerable so a small, closed carrier is best.

Now, as to your disappointment. Parrots are one person birds and they are the ones that choose who is going to be their chosen human. It's as simple as that. But, they sometimes change their first choice so it is possible that you will become her human in the future only do not put your hand close to her. Just wait for her to show you she wants to be closer to you. Tell us a bit about her diet, light schedule and routine so we can give you a more precise advice on what to do to win her over.
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Re: Repair broken trust with a new Senegal parrot

Postby Maria M » Tue May 21, 2019 12:33 pm

Thank you both for your immediate response.

Unfortunately on the petstore she was fed with a poor quality seed mix. So,in order to change her diet gradually,i bought a small amount of the same seed mix,and added "psittacus" pellets(crumbled in smaller pieces) in it while removing sunflower seeds from the mix(i kept them as treats for her training). On the other feeder,i provide her vegetables such as carrot,corn,peas,green beans,fresh lettuce,etc and fruits such as strawberry,banana,orange,in smaller amounts.
We open our windows and uncover her at 8.00 am and close them 23.00 pm.I cover her cage with a white towel around 21.00pm (here in Greece has still some sunlight till then at that time of the year). Our lights in the next room (downlights)are turned on around 18.00 pm.
Since i uncover her cage in the morning she is very active, vocal and happy, she hangs upside down and tries to call the birds she hears outside the window.She sometimes does that too when i leave the room..
I prepare and serve her veggies and fresh water while talking to her.then i go back to my daily routine and leave her enjoy her breakfast. If i have some spare time,i may read a book near her cage,or even sing to her when i listen my favorite songs(she loves that)!!
Whenever i pass near her cage i praise or talk to her, or i even give her a sunflower seed if she looks happy or excited to see me.
After a couple of hours i'm cleaning the bottom of her cage, and serve her the pellet/seed mix. Then leave for work and come back at 21.00 when i cover her up again with the towel.

And that's preety much it..
Maria M
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 9
Number of Birds Owned: 1
Types of Birds Owned: Senegal parrot
Flight: Yes

Re: Repair broken trust with a new Senegal parrot

Postby Pajarita » Tue May 21, 2019 2:32 pm

Well, the solar schedule implies her not being exposed to artificial lights during the sunrise and the sunset (because it's that different light that turns on or off her 'internal clock') so you need to turn on the lights ONLY once the sun is all out in the sky and off when the sun is halfway down to the horizon. And you can't free-feed (that means putting food out in the morning for all day long) any protein food, especially seeds or nuts. She needs to eat soft food made out of cooked whole grains mixed with vegetables AND produce (one piece of fruit, one piece of vegetable and one leafy green) with the protein food as dinner. They eat breakfast when the sun is still not completely out and dinner when the sun is setting. Aside from that, she needs to be let out of her cage for 4 hours MINIMUM! This time of the year, my birds are out from 5 am to 3 pm.
Norwegian Blue
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Re: Repair broken trust with a new Senegal parrot

Postby Maria M » Wed May 22, 2019 2:35 am

Oh,ok i'll start changing her feeding and uncovering hours and i will try to stick to her internal clock program as long as our working hours allows us to.
I forgot to mention to my previous replies, that her feathers are almost fully clipped. I'm totally against that but i saw it the moment i held her in the petstore to put her in her cage.
I asked the store owner for what reason he did such thing to the poor bird and he told me that she came already clipped from the breeder. I strongly believe that someone from the petstore did it, because it looks like whoever performed the clipping had no idea.They left her only with the first primary feather on each wing!!i guess that causes more issues.
As for letting her out of her cage. Well, my goal is to have her out of the cage exploring for as long as we are at home. I've made a parrot proof home (and a bunny proof also-since we have an 8yr old female bunny) for her, i've thrown away non stick pans and have covered all corners and hard surfaces.
But,since we have her for 2 weeks now and she isn't trained on any way yet, and since she isn't accepting me/my hand, how and when would you suggest me to start letting her out?
If its possible,give me some tips in order to take the next step..
Maria M
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 9
Number of Birds Owned: 1
Types of Birds Owned: Senegal parrot
Flight: Yes

Re: Repair broken trust with a new Senegal parrot

Postby liz » Wed May 22, 2019 3:47 am

You can let her out of cage now. She cannot fly but will feel the freedom you are giving her. She will probably just climb to the top of her cage. You have done your homework and parrot proofed the room. If she jumps down you can let her investigate her surroundings.
[/Myrtle came to me clipped. She would jump off her cage to test her wings then come and climb me so I could walk her back to the top of her cage.i[i]

Singing and reading to her is excellent.
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Re: Repair broken trust with a new Senegal parrot

Postby Maria M » Wed May 22, 2019 5:51 am

Oh great! Thank you so much Liz!
Then i guess I'll start tomorrow(i have to go for work now pfff)!
I will leave her cage door open after her breakfast time and let her out whenever she feels safe and confident.
Would you suggest any possitive reinforcement or a treat at some point?
Maria M
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 9
Number of Birds Owned: 1
Types of Birds Owned: Senegal parrot
Flight: Yes

Re: Repair broken trust with a new Senegal parrot

Postby Pajarita » Wed May 22, 2019 8:52 am

Liz is correct, she should start coming out and, most likely, she won't go far BUT if she glides down to the floor, just put your hand to her and, most likely, she will climb on it because they all do when they are on the floor - and, when she does, praise praise praise and give her a little treat to show her that her stepping up when you ask her to is the right thing to do.
Norwegian Blue
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Re: Repair broken trust with a new Senegal parrot

Postby Maria M » Wed May 22, 2019 2:58 pm

Ok great!thank you so much!
I'll start tomorrow,and hopefully everything will be ok. And if it goes well,in the near future i may ask my husband to participate whenever he's at home since she loves him already sooo much..
I'm really glad that i found this forum!Thank you for your kind and immediate support and advice. I wish you all the best!
Maria M
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 9
Number of Birds Owned: 1
Types of Birds Owned: Senegal parrot
Flight: Yes


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