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Sick 3 months Conure

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Sick 3 months Conure

Postby Nashawi97 » Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:18 am

Hello everyone! I have two conures about 5 and 3 months each. The younger one (Kiwi) has been acting strange for the past week or two. I have no idea what is wrong with him and I truly appreciate any advice you have. I have been hand feeding him and stopped about 10 days ago as he is grown up now and can eat on his own.
He has been pooping really strange where it comes out light paige or brown as a single piece like toothpaste. I initially ignored it thinking it was from the formula. However, he is still pooping like that and when it is left for couples of hours it becomes darker and dries out like a play dough. Really sorry for the description.
I was advised that he may have intestinal nematodes (round worms) and I have already given him the treatment a week ago. On the first day of the treatment, he vomited white liquid and I thought it is from the treatment meaning it is working. His poop got better but back again worse. Now I’m not sure what to do.
He also has been eating way too much, like all the time. I refill his food about 3 times a day now as he is never full. I have kept my two conures in one cage for the past week to get them to know each other and the older one seems to be in great shape; he hasn’t caught anything. I have had Kiwi for about 2 months now.
Lastly, today is the first day his poop was black when it came out and he has been standing on one leg alternating between right and left. I am very very worried and I do not have very experienced avian veterinarian around my area.
Thank you so much for reading
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 1
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Pineapple Conures
Flight: Yes

Re: Sick 3 months Conure

Postby Pajarita » Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:17 am

I am so sorry your poor little bird is so sick - and he is VERY sick. For one thing, if I understand your post correctly, a breeder sold you Kiwi when it was only four weeks old and that, my dear, tells you without the shadow of a doubt that it was a very bad breeder so it is entirely possible that this bird came to you already sick.

First thing you need to do is quarantine that bird ASAP. Sick birds should never EVER be housed with another bird - you are playing with fire. And you should really make an effort to take him to an avian vet, even if you have to travel a couple of hours for it because baby birds do not last once they get very sick.

In the meantime, put him in a quiet place with heat (85 to 95 degrees - I use a heating pad at the bottom of the cage and cover the cage on three sides and the top, leaving only the front open). Feed it soft food (like gloop, plain oatmeal/polenta/couscous/etc mixed with pureed fruits) - he is NOT grown up and he won't be for another 9 months (he is still a baby and will grow into a juvenile once he is 6 months old).

Now, I am not a vet but the most common intestinal problem with birds is giardia so, personally, that is what I would start treating for if taking the bird to a vet is impossible. Clean the cage super thoroughly (especially the one where the healthy bird is) with soap, water and a bit of Clorox, rinse well (and don't forget all the food/water bowls - do NOT use a bottle for the water, bars, perches, toys, etc). The most common treatment for giardia is metronidazole although I don't know where you are going to get it without going to a vet but I would also use ACV with the mother in his water (one tablespoon to 4-5 oz of water and make sure you wash the bowl super good every single day - also take the water away at night after the bird is asleep and, at dawn, put freshly medicated water for him). If you need to handfeed him with a syringe, use ACV in the water you use for the formula. I seriously doubt the bird has intestinal parasites because only wild birds have them - no captive-bred bird does unless they are kept outside all the time and exposed to wild birds poop. And I don't mean to make you feel bad but one should never give a parasiticide to an animal without first confirming the presence of parasites - you are, after all, putting poison into a sick/weak bird.

But I would strongly urge you to take the bird to an avian vet because black poop means blood and that is not good at all...
Norwegian Blue
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Location: NW Pa
Number of Birds Owned: 30
Types of Birds Owned: RoseBreasted too, CAG, DoubleYellowHead Amazon, BlueFront Amazon, YellowNape Amazon, Senegal, African Redbelly, Quaker, Sun Conure, Nanday, BlackCap Caique, WhiteBelly Caique, PeachFace lovebird, budgies,
Flight: Yes

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