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Postby Wolf » Tue Nov 10, 2015 8:12 am

Hi everyone

I am your moderator and you may PM me any time that you have a problem or issue that you want to discuss.
I have purposely not advertised that I am a moderator as I wanted to be able to post on the forum just like you do without the title of moderator getting in the way. My regular postings should never carry any more weight than those of any other member, nor should you hold back on disagreeing with me in these postings simply due to the title. That is what I have been trying to achieve by not announcing myself as moderator.
Recently, I have been made aware of a drawback to this approach and that is that you don't know who to contact when and if you have a problem, so I am attempting to rectify this now.
I try to remain neutral and to not interfere overly in the general discussions as there is such a thing as over moderating things and I don't want to do this. I have been hoping that we as adults are capable of policing ourselves and to be aware of what we say and how it affects others on the forum. I really don't think that we should need someone to tell us that our responses to each other are not being received the way that we intended them to be received and that it is causing the thread to become no more than an argument complete with unwarranted attacks on each other. Apparently we have not yet reached this level of security within ourselves for this to happen. This hoping that we could do this ourselves may be responsible for my being a bit slow to step in to change the direction and bring it back to the purpose the thread was originally posted for.
I have only two other things to add to this. the first thing is that at this time there is only one moderator which is myself, so if you have issues with me please post them on the forum as it is the best way that I know of to ensure that you know without any doubt that I will be fair and as impartial as I can be and that you issues with me are not being ignored. The second thing is that if you have issues with other people on the forum that you contact me through the PM function to discuss them.

Please feel free to contact me with any issues or questions that you may have.
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 8679
Location: Lansing, NC
Number of Birds Owned: 6
Types of Birds Owned: Senegal
African Grey (CAG)
Yellow Naped Amazon
2Celestial Parrotlet
Flight: Yes

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