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Parrot Noise: does it bother you?

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Parrot Noise: does it bother you?

Postby Kathleen » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:36 pm

Does the noise level of your parrots bother you or are you used to it? Have you invested in a good pair of earplugs? How does your family feel about the noise? Do they support your parrot ownership? Do they not care about the noise?
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Re: Parrot Noise: does it bother you?

Postby Natacha » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:43 pm

Kathleen wrote:Does the noise level of your parrots bother you or are you used to it?

I can't really stand conure screams. Not sure why, they just get to me. Same thing with cockatiels sounds. I'll take a bunch of screaming cockatoos over those any day ;)
My parrots are relatively quiet so that makes me happy (chosen because they aren't known to be too noisy).

There are times when my lovebird will go on a tirade (most of the time when she wants to feed me and I don't want to have anything to do with it and shoo her, she seems a bit insulted) and that can be a little annoying but other than that, it's fine.

Kathleen wrote:Have you invested in a good pair of earplugs?

No, no need.

Kathleen wrote:How does your family feel about the noise?

My boyfriend is ok with the noises our parrots make.

Kathleen wrote:Do they support your parrot ownership?

Yes! I came into our relationship with two parrots (Piper and Shade). Told him that if he ever asked me to choose between him and those two birds, I'd walk away. But I also told him that any bird I would add after that would be a joint decision, that I wouldn't add a bird without his consent. He's agreed to Joey (actually nudged me towards getting him when I had doubts), Petey and Zuri and will let me get a female Red-bellied because he knows it's something I wanted for a while.

Kathleen wrote:Do they not care about the noise?

He doesn't really seem to care..but again, I have fairly quiet birds.
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Videos of my birds
Piper ~ Lovebird
Shade ~ Senegal
Joey & Pixel ~ Red-bellied parrots
Petey & Zuri ~ Meyer's parrots
Léa ~ Cape parrot
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Re: Parrot Noise: does it bother you?

Postby Michael » Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:05 pm

Kili's native screams, calls, and chatter don't bother me one bit. She can scream for attention or just for the hell of it once in a while but that sound isn't unbearable to me and I can just tune it out or turn some loud music on to drown. Of course loud music or movie only makes her more vocal but the speakers have a lot more power than she does :mrgreen:

BUT she learned to scream like the bluejays outside and they are really, really, really annoying. Some mornings their screams wake me up! And now Kili learned to vocalize like that and sits there screaming like a jay all day. Now I have to put up with that nuisance from two sides. Luckily she's been getting over it (knock on perch).

Oh, and yeah I can't stand Sun Conure screaming! They are so screechy! I don't know what people are thinking when they get them. It's hard to complain about a poi. I guess poicephalus owners don't really know what a noisy parrot is... ;)
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Re: Parrot Noise: does it bother you?

Postby twinclaire » Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:36 pm

My birds dont bother me but i must say there not that noisy only when its feed time, my grey is the worst as he sounds like john my other half and when I hear mel being called i think its my OH and its bazil then he laughs at me
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