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IRN screams when my boyfriend talks

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IRN screams when my boyfriend talks

Postby Indy53 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:12 pm

My IRN is quiet when he is with me but when my boyfriend holds him or is sitting with me Indy talks loudly! When my boyfriend is quiet Indy is quiet It is so strange! What does this mean???
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Re: IRN screams when my boyfriend talks

Postby Elaihr » Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:52 am

I'm just guessing that your Indy is bonded to you and that her screaming is a kind of protest against your boyfriend being with you, or something :S I'm no pro, but I bet someone more experienced will give you some answers, they use to be pretty fast on these forums :)

When I first got my pionus she would scream when my boyfriend talked, but she no longer does it. I think the reason lied with him and not with her, he was first of all not acting properly around her. Since he started doing that, she calmed down a lot. Second, he has a very intense way of being, when he's speaking he's talking just as much with his hands and arms as he is with his voice, and his voice is rather penetrating. He has what you would call a "high energy", so even before I got Penny I often had to tell him to slow down because when he gets started he speaks faster and faster, and louder and louder (not meant in a negative way, he just gets very excited, haha). I don't know if your boyfriend is the same, but if he is, try telling him to think of how he's speaking. When my boyfriend learnt to calm down and keep both a slower pace and a lower, more consistant volume, Penny has completely stopped "interrupting" him. Also, it's much more pleasing to the ear for me, hehe, so I'm glad I've got her to "force" him to calm down :lol:
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Re: IRN screams when my boyfriend talks

Postby Wolf » Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:35 am

In a flock setting they must speak louder than the next bird if they are to be heard by their mate and that is one possibility. They seem to love drama and loud and fast talking is or can be dramatic to the listener, so that appears to get them all excited and they just gotta scream right back, you know it all part of the game type of thing. That is also a possible reason.
I don't know how much the talking hands thing affects this but I just have to ask for future reference did your boyfriend slow down on talking so much with his hands too?
I think that you are pretty close to what was going on, if not right on the money. Be interesting to see what others have to say on this.
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Re: IRN screams when my boyfriend talks

Postby Elaihr » Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:42 pm

Actually, yes, when I tell him it's getting too intense everything slows down, including the hand gestures! When he gets fired up about something he looks like a wind mill, when he slows down it's more like a tree swaying a bit in the wind. Haha, it sounds really dumb, but it's true!

I think it's very interesting to see how parrots adapt to the people around them, I'm an extremely calm person and when I'm around animals tend to be very calm as well, whereas both my sister and boyfriend are a lot more intense and vocal. Animals use to like them but usually things are not quite as still as when they're around me, instead there's a lot more moving and noise making going on ^^ It will be interesting to hear if anyone else has experienced this :)
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Re: IRN screams when my boyfriend talks

Postby shiraartain » Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:26 am

I've noticed this with Fajr! Sometimes if two people are arguing and Fajr is with one of them, he'll pipe up as well! It usually diffuses the environment, lol. If I command him in a bored voice, he'll ignore me as well. However, if I say it excitedly with a hand gesture, he'll obey immediately.

Other than that, the times when he speaks the most is when we're letting him out of the cage in the morning, he's settling down for the night, or when someone comes home (he flies right to the door and waits for you to walk inside).

Maybe it has something to do with them picking up on our emotions and body language? I've heard numerous times of animals picking up on our emotions, and recall a thread on this forum about birds and body language.
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