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need help.. first time bird owner

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need help.. first time bird owner

Postby drsanjay512 » Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:59 am

Hii.. I am Sanjay from India . I am a first time bird owner.. Please assist me befriend my bird..the post will be quiet long.. Please bare with it.. Thank you .
I bought a sooper cute 2 month old cockatiel about 3 days ago.
Ruffles, as I named it.. Has a been a quite bird.. He doesn't sing or make any noise . Just sits on the perch quiet. I could hardly hear him make any noise 1-2 times a day.. I am really worrie . He eats his food and water. He doesn't play with toys.. Just sits idle on the perch. He is not a hand tamed bird. Yet he sits on my hand when I pat him on his belly . but not on verbal command. and sits very comfortable. Tough he runs away in the first eventually perches on my finger. I have had him out of the cage today . He was quite tame.. He inspected the floor for a few minutes and flew on to the curtained holder and just sat there listless for about 1/2 hr. He was not at all relectant or impulsive when I tried bringing him back to the cage . he is eats coriander from my hand when I offer him.. He seems healthy except he doesn't sing or do anything.. Just sits idle. Doesn't play with his toys
When observed closely I find his eyes watery as if he were weeping.. No sign of inflamed nose or change in dropping..
I am really worried. Please tell me.. How and what am I supposed to do to get my Ruffles up and goin . I wanna see him enjoy playing toys and chirping.. Not just sit idle as a sad bird staring out of the window..
Thank you
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 1
Number of Birds Owned: 1
Types of Birds Owned: A cockatiel
Flight: Yes

Re: need help.. first time bird owner

Postby Wolf » Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:49 am

The first thing that concerns me is that you say that his eyes are watery. While this could be the result of some medical issue, I am thinking that it is because of irritants in the air. A bird is about 20 times more sensitive to odors such as perfumes and the smells from cleaning supplies as well as to incenses or any thing in the air. These airborne particles that we barely notice could be causing the bird respiratory distress as well as causing the watery eyes. This is why they used to use canaries in the mines as the bird would die before the odorless gasses were strong enough to hurt the miners. So don't use strong cleaners anywhere in the room that the bird is in and don't wear perfumes when you want to interact with the bird. I would recommend a vet check just in case there is a larger issue happening with the bird.
As for not playing with his toys there are many possibilities with the first being that he doesn't know what these toys are or how to play with them. They are not born knowing about toys and such things and in fact they must be taught by their parents how to eat and drink as well as what to eat because they are not hatched knowing how to do these things. If you want him to play with toys you will probably have to teach him what they are as well as how to use them. Pick out a small toy and sit there in front of him and play with the toy until he gets curious enough to want the toy. Then continue to play with it until he wants it enough to try to get it and then let him have the toy. When you are not playing with the toy place it in his cage so that he can examine it at his leisure. I would also spend time every day talking to and even singing to the bird as it will encourage it to sing and be more verbal and the best times for this is in the early mornings and in the evenings around twilight as this is the period both in that mornings and in the evenings that they are the most vocal.
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Re: need help.. first time bird owner

Postby Pajarita » Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:04 pm

He's still a baby, is he getting soft food served fresh twice a day? Was we weaned properly? Babies don't really play, they just want to be with somebody and cuddle up although tiels are not really that cuddly to begin with but this bird sounds too lethargic for my peace of mind...
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