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How can I stop my budgies from flying everywhere? :(

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How can I stop my budgies from flying everywhere? :(

Postby pinkswirl51 » Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:05 am

I got my budgies in October and I think they r 5 months old. I took my male budgie out a few days ago and it flew real high. I saw the fear in his eyes as he landed :( I had to grab him and put him back. It got so scared that it vomitted:(:( I cried :'( plzzz help! What should I do? I don't want it to be in its cage everytime. Thnx! :budgie: :budgie:
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Re: How can I stop my budgies from flying everywhere? :(

Postby Wolf » Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:23 am

I have never seen or heard of any bird vomiting from fear. Much more likely is that you were squeezing him much too hard when you grabbed him. It is not uncommon for them to fly about in panic the first time that they are let out of their cage in a new environment, especially if you have not earned their trust yet.
The next time that you let them out just relax and let them fly about, they will soon calm down and relax, even if they first crash into a wall, just relax and wait, you will find that they learn how to fly in the room really quickly and will be fine as long as you remain calmly seated and give them the chance.
Now you said that you got them in Oct., what have you done to tame them and what were their reactions to you during these times?
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Re: How can I stop my budgies from flying everywhere? :(

Postby liz » Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:15 am

Taming not only requires love. It also needs respect. Flying is the way to go. The freedom of flight not only gives exersize but it gives confidence. It also shows that you respect him and give him what makes him happiest. Once he is tired you will be able to scoop him up and talk to him before you put him back.

I hung sheer curtains on all the bedroom doors to keep Myrtle from reeking havoc in the rooms not occupied during the day. I have laminent flooring strip above my living room drapes to keep her from perching and pooping on them.

Birds don't fly TOO high.
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Re: How can I stop my budgies from flying everywhere? :(

Postby Wolf » Sun Dec 07, 2014 7:58 am

pinkswirl51 wrote:I got my budgies in October and I think they r 5 months old. I took my male budgie out a few days ago and it flew real high. I saw the fear in his eyes as he landed :( I had to grab him and put him back. It got so scared that it vomitted:(:( I cried :'( plzzz help! What should I do? I don't want it to be in its cage everytime. Thnx! :budgie: :budgie:

I just saw your post in Michael's blog section and realized that it was the same question that you asked here. So I went back and looked up all of your posts, which is why I am here now. I replied to you on this thread and tried to explain to you that your budgies actions were perfectly normal given the current circumstances and advised you to relax and let your budgies out and let them fly about in the room. I know that you get scared that they are going to hurt themselves, but you grabbing them and holding them too tightly is much more dangerous to them than is their flying into things until they calm down a little. You, apparently resented my answer and have not replied to me , instead, you keep having the same problem and asking the same question. I can assure you that it does not matter who you ask or which site you go to and ask this same question that if the people who reply to you know anything about these birds you will get the same answers.
Since I read all of your posts, I will try again to answer you, because I care about your birds as much as I care about my own birds and this situation really needs to be resolved for the birds to be healthy and happy.
You have had your birds for 5 or 6 months now and they are not tame yet. This is because you spent your time with training them instead of taming and bonding with them. This is a very common error. You can redirect your efforts to earning their trust and bonding with them and then come back to the training after you have bonded with them and I will be happy to help you through this. But, ultimately, you are still going to have to open the cage and let them come out, and you will still need to sit calmly while they do what they will even if their first reaction is to fly about like crazy. They will get that out of their system and then you will see that everything is alright. The more time that they can spend out of the cage the better they will fly and they will be calmer and more confident because of it.
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Re: How can I stop my budgies from flying everywhere? :(

Postby liz » Sun Dec 07, 2014 9:51 am

My cockatiels are in a flock and have room to fly within the cage. I guess I am don't doing the best for each bird because the don't get out for 4 hours everyday. Adding new members to the family they have been getting more out time. Yesterday Maggie (my breeder rescue) was hanging on the door asking me to let her out. As a breeder I don't believe she had out time before she got here. As soon as I could secure the room, I opened the door. She was the only one in the mood to fly. She flew out and did 6 laps around the room and then put herself back in.

Flying is so important in so many ways. I thought I would never be able to touch Maggie and was fine with just making her happy but she is being drawn to me through my respect for her space. I can only touch her with the back of my hand when I put food in the cage but it has been such a short time and her flight has given her confidence so I have hope of her coming to me.
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Re: How can I stop my budgies from flying everywhere? :(

Postby Hookturn » Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:08 pm

I can't imagine being upset if my bird could fly all around. He came to me clipped and I'm just waiting for his molt. I want more than anything for him to be able to fly.
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